Monday, August 25, 2008

Summer Jobs for College Students

Summer Jobs for College Students

Summer_jobs_college_job School’s almost out … what now?

College students are starting to wind down their school years, and high school students and teachers will follow soon. Now’s the time to start thinking about summer employment.

While waiting tables at a local restaurant or working as a retail salesperson are always good options, there are plenty of summer jobs out there that let you take advantage of the sunshine. Here are just a few ideas:

1. Tour guide

2. Theme park worker

3. Tennis instructor

4. Golf caddy

5. Nanny

6. Dog walker

7. Construction worker

8. Lifeguard

9. Concession stand vendor

10. Camp counselor

Or, log on to to search for other great seasonal jobs.


salesroles said...

Er...I don`t think the recession is over!